Design and run Workflows

About this section

In this section, we will discuss following topics:

  • How to create SPR data analysis projects.
  • How to build workflow step by step interactively or use use a template as starting point.
  • After step design, how to run a workflow.
  • After workflow finished running, how we can check the status, visualize the workflow.
  • Different options for managing the workflow, e.g. resume, restart, overwrite a SPR project.
  • How to explore the workflow object (methods).
  • Finally, how to generate some data analysis reports.

Project initialization

To create a workflow within systemPipeR, we can start by defining an empty container and checking the directory structure:

sal <- SPRproject()
## Creating directory:  /home/lab/Desktop/spr/ 
## Creating directory:  /home/lab/Desktop/spr/ 
## Creating directory:  /home/lab/Desktop/spr/ 
## Creating directory '/home/lab/Desktop/spr/'
## Creating file '/home/lab/Desktop/spr/'

Internally, SPRproject function will create a hidden folder called .SPRproject, by default, to store all the log files. A YAML file, here called SYSargsList.yml, has been created, which initially contains the basic location of the project structure; however, every time the workflow object sal is updated in R, the new information will also be store in this flat-file database for easy recovery. If you desire different names for the logs folder and the YAML file, these can be modified as follows:

sal <- SPRproject(logs.dir = ".SPRproject", sys.file = ".SPRproject/SYSargsList.yml")

Also, this function will check and/or create the basic folder structure if missing, which means data, param, and results folder, as described here. If the user wants to use a different names for these directories, can be specified as follows:

sal <- SPRproject(data = "data", param = "param", results = "results")

It is possible to separate all the R objects created within the workflow analysis from the current environment. SPRproject function provides the option to create a new environment, and in this way, it is not overwriting any object you may want to have at your current section.

sal <- SPRproject(envir = new.env())

In this stage, the object sal is a empty container, except for the project information. The project information can be accessed by the projectInfo method:

## Instance of 'SYSargsList': 
##  No workflow steps added
## $project
## [1] "/home/lab/Desktop/spr/"
## $data
## [1] "data"
## $param
## [1] "param"
## $results
## [1] "results"
## $logsDir
## [1] ".SPRproject"
## $sysargslist
## [1] ".SPRproject/SYSargsList.yml"

Also, the length function will return how many steps this workflow contains, and in this case, it is empty, as follow:

## [1] 0

Workflow Design

systemPipeR workflows can be designed and built from start to finish with a single command, importing from an R Markdown file or stepwise in interactive mode from the R console. In the next section, we will demonstrate how to build the workflow in an interactive mode, and in the following section, we will show how to build from a file.

New workflows are constructed, or existing ones modified, by connecting each step via appendStep method. Each SYSargsList instance contains instructions needed for processing a set of input files with a specific command-line and the paths to the corresponding outfiles generated.

The constructor function Linewise is used to build the R code-based step. For more details about this S4 class container, see here.

Build workflow interactive

This tutorial shows a straightforward example for describing and explaining all main features available within systemPipeR to design, build, manage, run, and visualize the workflow. In summary, we are exporting a dataset to multiple files, compressing and decompressing each one of the files, importing to R, and finally performing a statistical analysis.

In the previous section, we initialize the project by building the sal object. Until this moment, the container has no steps:

## Instance of 'SYSargsList': 
##  No workflow steps added

In the next subsection, we will discuss how to populate the object created with the first step in the workflow interactively.


Last modified 2022-06-03 : new SPR version docs no_render (cba777c6)